Education as we will know it.

I really enjoyed the analogy of the tofu and the cheese. We’ve been working remotely since March and strangely I quite like it. I’ve experienced it in 2 settings and I’ve learned and am learning a lot. I agree with moving education forwards; this is time to reinvent the status quo, however this needs carefully planning and also the support network in place for all. People say schools mirror society however we don’t know what society will want or need in 5, 10, 20 years from now so taking on that pressure from all angles to deliver what we consider to be the best or more effective way of teaching and learning is hard. Parents demand to know what their children are learning, the differing education systems that exist within and across countries means the transition of students calls them to at times question what they are learning. I’m excited to see where we take our learners of today who will become the leaders of tomorrow. We have one real and unique opportunity to force change as hopefully this moment will never repeat itself!